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Mastercard Marketing Hub, SMS Marketing, Gen Alpha

Save time and money in your daily business with our tips and tools. Leran about low-cost strategies for acquiring and retaining new customers. Know the 3 ways Gen Alpha is different from Gen Z and what it means for marketing. Explore savings strategies for small businesses in uncertain economic climates.

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Weekly Tips to Propel Your Business Forward!

Small Effort, Big Impact: How To Get Ahead Faster

Mastercard and The Next Evolution of Digital Doors® Program

In celebration of Small Business Month, Mastercard has announced the next evolution of its Digital Doors® program launching May 4th. Through added partnerships and a new Marketing Hub platform, the company is providing an expanded suite of innovative tools, free resources and benefits to help small businesses digitally enhance their operations and business growth. 

Read more about free and discounted Mastercard tools for your business growth.

Low-Cost Strategies for Acquiring New Customers

Customer acquisition is top priority for any business. However, many businesses struggle with the costs associated with marketing and advertising efforts to attract new customers. Fortunately, there are low-cost strategies businesses can implement to acquire and retain new customers without breaking the bank. These strategies not only help businesses save money, but they are also highly effective in building brand awareness, increasing customer engagement and driving sales.

Explore low-cost ways to attract new customers.

The Benefits of Using Text Marketing for Your Small Business

If you’re a small business owner, you know how important it is to stand out from the competition. Fortunately, there’s an excellent way for you to get your message across and capture the attention of potential customers: text marketing. People use text messages more often now because of how quickly you can get a response, how easy they are to use, and because most people read them.

Discover the benefits of using conversational messaging for your small business.

3 ways Gen Alpha is different from Gen Z

Though it may be tempting to lump them in with Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012), a successful Gen Alpha (born after 2013) strategy will require marketers to understand their differences. Here are three ways the two generations differ, and how marketers can use those differences to target Gen Alpha consumers.

Learn more about how to reach Gen Alpha born as a future target group.

7 Savings Strategies for SMEs in Uncertain Economic Climates

If you're running a small business, you might feel the pressure of uncertainty in our current economy. While it may seem like an uphill battle to manage against the unknown, financial advisors recommend strategically managing your business during economic uncertainty to help conserve and protect your hard-earned money.

Here are seven tips for managing your business during economic uncertainty.

Can a Business Loan Broker Help You Secure Financing?

Business loan brokers don’t lend you the money for your small business. They act like a middleman between you and the commercial loan you need. Find out which business loan brokers are in the market and get tips to hire a suitable business loan broker if needed.

Learn more about business loan brokerage.

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The Best Free Resources For Thriving Small Businesses

Discover the top 10 free resources that can help your small business thrive in the United States. From business mentoring to access to capital, these valuable partners and institutions will give your business the boost it needs to succeed. Read on to learn more!

Lean Business Plan Example: Start Up Fast and Lean

There are different ways to develop a lean startup template. We discuss the most relevant components of a model business plan here.

How to Start A Business With No Money

Starting a business without enough capital can be challenging, but it is possible. We support you with tips on how to start a business even with little money, as well as some clues for successful financing.

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