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Small Business Grants, Brand Building, B2B Marketing

Grants up to $50,000 available for businesses across the U.S. Strategies to accelerate your business during the recession of 2023. How to become a brand your target audience will love. Ways to improve your b2b marketing, sales, and lead generation. – these are our news of the week.

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Trends & Tips For Solopreneurs And Small Business Owners

3 Ways To Become A Brand Your Target Audience Will Love

In today’s hypercompetitive business environment, building a strong brand is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. As the unique identity of your company or product, your brand consists of more than just a name, logo and color palette. It also encompasses your corporate values, your brand promise, your voice on social media and more. It’s crucial to get these right, because with a strong brand, a business can remain competitive in their industry, increase customer retention, and command a higher price for its products or services. So here is how you can become a brand that customers love.

Why doesn’t my website show up on Google?

From content cloaking to generic keywords – Find 17 solutions to bring your website to page 1 of the google results.

Grants Up to $50,000 Available for Businesses Across the U.S.

Small business grants can help entrepreneurs achieve a huge range of goals, from energy upgrades to hosting special events. Amounts for these grants can also vary widely depending on what each program aims to provide. This week, cities and local organizations announced grant programs with a huge range of purposes and available funds. Read on for a full list of small business grants in the U.S.

5 Ways To Accelerate Your Business During The Recession of 2023

When things get tough, you have two options. You can morph into something bigger and better or wait for the world to emerge from economic despair. While a recession seems imminent, the "R" word does not need to be something that induces layoffs, cutting back and operating with a scarcity mindset. In fact, the opportunity for growth is more important for businesses than ever before. The fact is that recessions are normal occurring dips in every business cycle. Thus, if you are properly prepared, recessions can present opportunities for well-positioned companies. Find out about ways to accelerate your business during the recession of 2023.

8 Ways To Improve Your Business-To-Business Marketing, Sales, And Lead Generation

A potential customer is not only a lead if they are random. It’s a lead that’s really close to making a purchase of your goods or services. Attract their interest, show them how your product or service will benefit them, and you’ll have won them over. Therefore the backbone of any successful business-to-business marketing plan is the generation of high-quality leads. Discover 8 ways to improve your business-to-business marketing, sales, and lead generation.

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Knowledge for Entrepreneurs

When it comes to starting a business, founders do not have to plough a lonely furrow. Stay up to date on the most important business topics. We support you throughout your whole entrepreneurial journey.

8 Factors For Choosing The Right Business Loan

A quick loan can be very tempting for small businesses. However, there are a number of things you should look for before making a long-term commitment to a bank and its terms. These eight points are essential when choosing suitable loans and funding:

5 Small Business Trends in 2023

With 2023 just around the corner, it's time to look ahead to the latest trends and developments in your industry to stay on the ball. These are five trends for small businesses you should keep an eye on.

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